“For what shall it
profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what
shall a man give in exchange for his soul? “ Mark 8:36-37
The year was 1863. Abraham Lincoln was President. Strife ruled. The
nation was at war with itself. The landscape by most visionaries was bleak and
dreary. The nation seemed to have lost its bearings and its very soul. Being
thankful under these conditions was seemingly impossible. The nation urgently
needed to mend its fraying fabric.
Under these dire conditions Lincoln issued a proclamation establishing
the last Thursday in November as a national holiday. His intent was to coalesce
a nation of diverse cultures and individuals into a cohesive whole by
remembering the origin of its birth. This year Americans will celebrate the 157th
anniversary of Thanksgiving.
In 1620 pilgrims departed from Defts-Haven, searching for a new land
with an ephemeral idea of freedom. They had no idea what they would face in the
quest. As if the hardships of the voyage were not enough to deter them, what
they saw at landfall must have made them question their sanity altogether.
There, looming before them in the stark winter stood a harsh land with a
weather-beaten face. It appeared to them a country full of woods and thickets,
a place full of untamed beasts and wild men. It had an ominous and savage hue.
Such is the nature of the unknown…wild, fearful but full of promise.
It was up to these pilgrims to carve out their dreams and visions. They neither expected nor received the
benefits of ease in the process. For
having left their homes, having said goodbye to their families and friends,
they said goodbye to the old life and searched for a better home.
We who read this today are benefitting from the sacrifices of these visionaries. We can ask ourselves these questions: Under what tyranny would we now be living if not for the perseverance of these intrepid travelers? How would our destiny have unfolded?
Fortunately, we have the answers. Living in America is a blessing of
untold and incalculable dimensions. Read the news if you don’t believe this!
Several years ago on this date our family and friends sat in a Methodist
Church in the small town of my youth. We gathered there to say a final goodbye
to our mother. My nephew recalled the influence she had upon his life. He synthesized it based on his annual visits
for Thanksgiving. He recalled pulling into the driveway of his grandmother’s
home. The first thing he saw was her face in the kitchen window, welcoming him
with a smile.
The soul of an American Thanksgiving also has a face. It’s seen in the Rockwell-blended faces of
families, merged together into a national tapestry. Each face represents a precious
memory, of a home and a secure place where families can thrive.
The blessings of national unity are too broad to enumerate. But the
collective voice of Thanksgiving blends them together at every table where food
is served, where laughter is heard and where love is shared. The soul of being
American is once again revived on this memorable day.
Today, the world is a dangerous place. It’s fractious, filled with
secular pursuits, religious divisions and seethes with national rivalries. Our
country itself is not immune from its own fractured diversity. The horror of
continuous news reveals this on a daily basis.
Yet in spite of this, America continues to stand, strong in the
collective unity under which it was founded…established by a beneficent God for
the purpose of freedom. A continuous remembrance of this fact is what
Thanksgiving is all about.
Today began sunny on the coast, but clouds
are gathering for another storm. In the
front yard a squirrel sits on its hind quarters, gnawing on acorns. It seems to
smile as it feasts on the prodigious crop furnished by the oaks.
America has endured many storms. Covid is our latest. It will weather
more. But, like the squirrel, we can take comfort in the fact that a gracious,
Almighty God desires to furnish us with untold blessings. Our collective soul
will continue to flourish as long as we remember the Source of these
* * *
Thank you, Abraham Lincoln, for the gift of this holiday. Thank you,
God, for blessing the soul of America another year. Happy Thanksgiving to you
and your family.
Bud Hearn
November 24, 2020