Digressions of a Dilettante

Digressions of a Dilettante
Vignettes of Inanity by Bud Hearn

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Living Out Loud

If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to Live Out Loud.” Emile Zola, Poet, Author and Artist

The couple walked ~~ no, they sauntered ~~ into the restaurant. Forks dropped audibly… the place suddenly went silent. One knew immediately they were not from around these parts!

I was sitting inconspicuously in the 4th Of May, the Village diner, minding my business with a mundane plate of chicken, carrots and Waldorf salad. Yeah, I know…borrrrring. It was just another “average” day.

They took the table beside me. French, one could tell. He was a sharp dresser, perhaps an artist or actor…expensive threads, blazer, yellow ascot and, of all things, a beret. Cool, but overdone. Yet, it was his “lady” that got the attention. Tall with long, coal-black hair, she wore pencil-thin Dior black jeans, high-spiked Pradas, and a blazing red Chanel silk T-shirt. Everything was very tight, suggestive, if you know what I mean. Being the day after Easter, and judging from the looks of the male patrons, I suspect several were re-resurrected right there on the spot.

Her T-shirt glittered in gold-emblazoned letters:

Women Who Behave
Rarely Make History

What in the world had brought these creatures to this place, I wondered? Heck, why not ask them? I did. Leaving my chicken and tooth pick, I slid my chair over and started up a conversation. Fluent in English with an aristocratic, chic French flair, they revealed an amazing story. Unfortunately, it is much too long to recite here…and, may I add, much too X-rated for tender ears!

I wanted to pal around with them for the day, but they had other plans, Francois explained. “Exciting plans,” Brigitte said, “involving a yacht, the beach and the movies.” Cumberland Island was mentioned, with just enough detail to excite anybody. Wow, could such things of intrigue actually happen on this sleepy little island? I fantasized.

Oblivious of our surroundings, we laughed hysterically through lunch. All the while a steady parade of diners came and went, women bristling with envy as their men eyeballed the red T-shirt.

Time finally ran out. We exchanged cheek kisses and au revoir. Our encounter had ended, too soon, too soon. In a backward glance, Brigitte winked ~~ I got the message! Ah, the mysteries life has to offer….

Conventional wisdom being what it is, Living Out Loud goes against the grain of most folks…especially in small towns. Clearly this couple was living large, and I have to believe NOT behaving! It’s said in small, backwater places that, “A cold drink of water and a new idea will kill anybody.” I’ve seen it happen…Living Out Loud in these places could get one maimed, or at least branded for life. That’s why the youth leave, at least the creative and ambitious ones. There’s more to life than chicken pot pie!

We have our own Living-Out-Loud crowd on the island. Take a look at the picture: Julie and Will, sitting atop the 12 foot gator, concerned only with the camera, while Thomas was being eaten alive. Tell me, which one will soon be in Hollywood or Washington?

Tomorrow, our Congressman, Jack Kingston, is scheduled to be our special guest for lunch. Talk about a man Living Out Loud…why, every day Jack risks his life in the jaws of the Congressional gator that threatens to devour us with its voracious spending and taxing appetite. He will be here to report on the “damage” Congress has done to us this year. Come, bring questions.

What great surprises life has to offer … just show up! I wonder if it’s too late for me to audition for the movies…X-Rated, of course?

What kind of history are you making?

Bud Hearn
April 16, 2009

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