Digressions of a Dilettante

Digressions of a Dilettante
Vignettes of Inanity by Bud Hearn

Friday, April 18, 2014

One and Done

There is a balm in Gilead, to make the wounded whole; there is a balm in Gilead, to heal the sin-sick soul….” American Folk Hymn from Jeremiah 8:22

It happens about this time every year. NCAA basketball playoffs. Many are called. One is chosen. The frenzy culminates in what’s known as ‘March Madness.’ Millions of Americans morph into sports addicts. Maniacal behavior fuels the spectacle. Only kite flying is exempt.

Rabid fans, serial gamblers, money-changing bookies and tail-gate disciples aggregate. Bets are wagered. Teams are idolized. Crazed basketball zealots with painted bodies clog coliseums. Cups runneth over with fermented foamy elixirs.

The whistles blow. Tip-offs begin. For weeks the gut-wrenching, zero-sum games are played. Eliminations are inevitable. One wins. One loses. Joy and tears converge. Two teams remain. Tensions run high. Excruciating seconds tick by as leads change. Back and forth it goes.

One second left. The last shot soars. The ball lofts in a high, slow-motion arc. Dead silence. Nobody breathes. Everyone prays. Swoosh. It’s over. An ear-piercing paroxysm of hysteria explodes as the buzzer concludes the contest. It is finished. Won and done.

Winners gloat, smoke fat cigars; losers lament, “Next year.” The carnival packs up, leaves town. People drift off, wondering about it all. Scribes enter stats in the record books. Sanity is restored. Until next year.


Catch-phrases, like old Elvis tunes, take hold, hang around, eventually easing into oblivion. The epigram, ‘One and done,’ is currently making the rounds. Basketball coined it. It describes a high school player who goes to college for one year only for eligibility for the NBA draft. He’s now a ‘One and done.’

‘One and done’ is also applied to playoff teams. Take the round-one Duke debacle. Mercer, the Macon mismatch, humiliated Duke, 78 to 71. For all eternity Duke is officially a ‘one and done’ for 2014. The books of basketball history will record in perpetuity the horror of this embarrassment.

The banal ‘one and done’ has segued into street-talk slang. Everything from business deals to romances are tagged ‘one and done.’ A boring cliché. Be patient. It’ll run its course.

It seems strange that Easter would follow such idiocy. It joins with Nature which has miraculously resurrected itself again…never a ‘one and done’ event. Old things are renewed in the splendor of Spring.

Easter slips in unobtrusively. Every bloom on dogwoods, azaleas and even dandelions declares it. We’re caught off-guard by its stealth and grandeur. The Easter bunny is stocking up on baskets, chocolate clones and colorful boiled eggs. Easter lunch buffet reservations are harder to find than hen’s teeth.

Easter celebrations rekindle the Christian’s ‘one and done’ faith, a faith solidly built on the foundation of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Palm-frond processions set the stage for the performance of the pageantry.

The cruelty of even a vicarious crucifixion continues to shock us. We recoil at the savage brutality of humanity. Baffled disciples continue to deny and demand proof. The age-old arrogance of entrenched religiosity and power remains unabated. We continue to stand at a distance while the drama plays out. The question, “What is truth?” troubles us. And we’re terrified of taking up our own cross.

Like March Madness, Easter will conclude with a triumphant shout. After the last sermon is preached and the last Hallelujah Chorus is sung, the crowds will disperse and contemplate the magnitude of it all…this empty cross, this empty tomb. The greatest game in the history of humanity is over.

Who won? No buzzer or scoreboard will announce the victor. We’ll be left with whatever faith we have to affirm the answer. So what will it say to us, to the world?

May it resound that sin lost, faith won, and that now it’s now possible for all believers to enter into the freedom of a finished redemption!


A century plant, an American aloe, lives in our back yard. Its sap is a balm. Applied, it takes the stings, burns and bites out of life. At an appointed time, from its core emerges a long stalk. It can grow up to thirty feet. Ours topped out at fifteen feet. Thousands of tiny yellow blossoms pop open. Bees distribute its pollen.

Afterwards the agave will die. Yet, even in its death other plants live…an interesting symbol of Easter.

This is what Jesus the Christ, THE true ‘One and done,’ has accomplished for the world and all who believe. Thank God for it.

It is finished…He is risen indeed”.

Bud Hearn
April 18, 2014

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