Digressions of a Dilettante

Digressions of a Dilettante
Vignettes of Inanity by Bud Hearn

Thursday, July 5, 2007

"Holding your mouth right....."

Friends: "Holding your mouth right..."

It's been a slow week for news or excitement out of the normal, and the last few days have been sorta "average." Except, perhaps, the fireworks display on Sea Island yesterday, which was pretty spectacular this year, again costing what might be a hefty down payment on a new Bentley.
Ever notice on average days there are some things we always do? For men, shaving is one. Guys, take a look tomorrow in the mirror how you hold your mouth as you whack off the whiskers. It contorts in interesting ways as the razor moves from side to side. And then try finding a part in your hair (assuming you still have some) without some facial assistance.
There's a mouth expression for about everything, like putting on your shoes or tying a tie (the nose wrinkles in this exercise and the lips go into an Elvis-like sneer--look at it closely next time!).
Then there's the heavy-lifting expression; the screw-driver intensified grimace: the "are you kidding me" mouth response to some shocking gossip; and of course the pursed, white-lips reminder from your spouse that you have again committed some stupid indiscretion.
Oh yeah, there are more, to be sure. Just observe and you'll see what I mean. My daddy used an old fishing expression that no Yankee would understand: "Son, you ain't holding your mouth right, which is why you're not getting a bite." As I got older, I forgot about that and when the biting was slow, I took it as an opportunity to just open another Bud...that always improved things.

It got me to thinking: Is there a difference between holding your mouth "right" or holding it "wrong?" Got me...
I hope for your sakes the news improves next week!

July 5, 2007

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