Creative Obituary
Word has it that the survival rate on the island was high in spite of the Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations. Shortly, when Amex, M/C and Visa begin to arrive, you will realize just how good a time you really had…I can hardly wait.
As some of you heard, this 2007 I will be writing a creative obituary, seeing I am now getting long in the tooth….can’t leave such important matters to family or lawyers. The papers are so full of boring obits, and my oversized ego will not allow me to have such drivel written…not that I have any accolades to fill up more’n about 3 lines…. I can embellish and intend to do so. So, in the next few weeks I will be gathering creative information to use in this Final Statement. It all began at Harris-Teeter this week in the fruit department. I brought a “zested” orange into the office….”zested,” for the culinary non-cognoscenti, means that the skin was used for garnish, so the orange looked strange….Julie asked what it was, to which I replied that it was a new hybrid variety of orange from Columbia known as Skin-Head Orange (sometimes I feel guilty carrying on with the gullible). I think she finally caught on. But having an overactive sensitive nature, I felt sorry for the orange…it was ugly. So, I affirmed its life by eating it.
I have these feelings sometimes, and so do you. Imagine if you were a fruit in the store, so many friends and cousins, and people picked you up, handled you, discussed you, judged you fit or unfit, put you down and chose your neighbor for dinner. Being a fruit, imagine how you’d feel when you were vaingloriously tossed out into the dumpster to be compost somewhere because of your short shelf-life. I especially feel sorry for the poor banana….brown spots and the skin is soft, kinda like liver spots we’re getting these days on our skin; but inside the meat is soft and mushy, and full of sweet taste. When it gets to this state, its days are numbered, to be sure.
Where am I going from here? Well, I hope that by the end of my shelf-life, before I’m tossed into the memorial park dumpster, I will be like that banana and have something sweet and sensitive and good inside, irrespective of the condition of the outside. And I hope it will be so for you.
Why not start the New Year out right by coming and eating lunch with us…I guarantee that you will meet new friends and have a great lunch. The code is 2004, lunch begins at 11:30, and to my knowledge there will be no speaker except yourselves….
Happy New Year
January 4, 2007
Word has it that the survival rate on the island was high in spite of the Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations. Shortly, when Amex, M/C and Visa begin to arrive, you will realize just how good a time you really had…I can hardly wait.
As some of you heard, this 2007 I will be writing a creative obituary, seeing I am now getting long in the tooth….can’t leave such important matters to family or lawyers. The papers are so full of boring obits, and my oversized ego will not allow me to have such drivel written…not that I have any accolades to fill up more’n about 3 lines…. I can embellish and intend to do so. So, in the next few weeks I will be gathering creative information to use in this Final Statement. It all began at Harris-Teeter this week in the fruit department. I brought a “zested” orange into the office….”zested,” for the culinary non-cognoscenti, means that the skin was used for garnish, so the orange looked strange….Julie asked what it was, to which I replied that it was a new hybrid variety of orange from Columbia known as Skin-Head Orange (sometimes I feel guilty carrying on with the gullible). I think she finally caught on. But having an overactive sensitive nature, I felt sorry for the orange…it was ugly. So, I affirmed its life by eating it.
I have these feelings sometimes, and so do you. Imagine if you were a fruit in the store, so many friends and cousins, and people picked you up, handled you, discussed you, judged you fit or unfit, put you down and chose your neighbor for dinner. Being a fruit, imagine how you’d feel when you were vaingloriously tossed out into the dumpster to be compost somewhere because of your short shelf-life. I especially feel sorry for the poor banana….brown spots and the skin is soft, kinda like liver spots we’re getting these days on our skin; but inside the meat is soft and mushy, and full of sweet taste. When it gets to this state, its days are numbered, to be sure.
Where am I going from here? Well, I hope that by the end of my shelf-life, before I’m tossed into the memorial park dumpster, I will be like that banana and have something sweet and sensitive and good inside, irrespective of the condition of the outside. And I hope it will be so for you.
Why not start the New Year out right by coming and eating lunch with us…I guarantee that you will meet new friends and have a great lunch. The code is 2004, lunch begins at 11:30, and to my knowledge there will be no speaker except yourselves….
Happy New Year
January 4, 2007
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