Digressions of a Dilettante

Digressions of a Dilettante
Vignettes of Inanity by Bud Hearn

Friday, June 16, 2017

It Is What It Is

Chance has a way of untangling many issues that wisdom left dangling.


Churchill took his best shot at defining Russia: “It’s a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.” Insightful, but leaves us hanging.

Al Franken, a comedian and U.S. Senator, (is there a difference?) came closer to a sort of wisdom when quipping about the Trumpian riddle: “It is what it is.” Crude, but close.

Cognitive thought is too shallow to examine enigmatic riddles and explain them rationally. Mostly we just open our palms, shrug our shoulders and utter a submissive whisper: ‘It is what it is.’ What a relief. No discussions, no rebuttals, no conflicts. An easy out.

Life’s riddles continue to stump philosophers, ascetics and not a few politicians and preachers. Some things remain permanent mysteries. Still, we’re a culture consumed with closing circles, tidying things up with answers and leaving no unsolved, hanging chads. Let’s face it: What better catch-all phrase to bring closure than, ‘It is what it is?’

Poetry, in its brevity, is sometimes superior to prose in slicing up dilemmas, or in creating them. So, for your enlightenment, the Weakly Post’s think tank presents its poetic solution of living among life’s deepest secrets.

It is what it is

It is what it is’ isn’t hard to recall
When a reply is required that answers it all.
Without any need or effort to think,
You can toss it right out as quick as a wink.

People will think you’re a genius profound,
And to utter such wisdom you’re sure to astound.
‘Cause both the simple and brilliant proclaim,
There’re just some things that can’t be explained.

It matters not if you’re dumb or you’re smart,
Just whisper these words and the waters will part.

Just what ‘it’ is it is hard to say,
It is what it is,’ there’s no other way.
Is ‘it’ maybe this, or could ‘it’ be that?
It really won’t matter, one tit or one tat.

It’ is a catch-all for any context,
Just spit ‘it’ out and great minds you’ll vex.
They’ll think that Wisdom is your Pedigree
And if you’re a Charlatan you can charge a big fee.

For Pretense pays big to escape the mundane,
Even for carnival-like legerdemain.

The Crux of the phrase is what ‘is’ really is.
And a former Arkansan had to explain away his.
And someday you may have a reason to try
To cloak your own ‘is’ with a creative lie.

Now Plato said that there ‘is’ no past,
That nothing that’s made can last.
The claim that he makes is only his
That ‘it is’ eternally ‘is.

But ‘it is what it is’ gives substance and proof,
Of its value to deflect with a hyperbolic spoof.
When all has been said it’s impossible to say
‘Bout the multiple uses of this adaptable cliché.

So when Life has riddles you can’t figure out,
Don’t moan and complain what it’s all about.
The answer will come, for Someone will say,
It is what it is, and it’s better My way.”

Sir Winston was close to the perfect explanation, but his equation didn’t quite close. Even Newton, with his Second Law of Thermodynamics on Quantum Theory couldn’t explain why things fall apart, or how to unscramble just one egg. Some things defy solution.

We can dig all we want for answers in the Google landfill of arcana, but it’s just simpler to kick back and enjoy the ride. After all, in the final consensus, ‘it is what it is.’ What more needs saying?

Res ipsa loquitur…the thing speaks for itself. Let it.

Bud Hearn
June 16, 2017

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