Digressions of a Dilettante

Digressions of a Dilettante
Vignettes of Inanity by Bud Hearn

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Living in Slang...Part II


Living in Slang…
Part II

Well, since news travels a day faster in China, I knew that the Senate would finally cave in and “rip off” the American public again. So “what’s new?” And not that there’s not some more juicy news out there, like the Palin/Biden debate, which would be the better of choices for this week’s “advance” Friday Forum newsletter. At the barber shop one can get all one needs to know about nearly anything, and I got an “ear-full” as Donna chopped off my hair for the Chinese Idol show I’ve applied for. And the topic du jour was not golf, at is usually is, but politics. So, here are a few “tid-bits” for you to “chow down on” in my absence.

The “good old boy” network of pundits and handlers of the VP candidates have been busy working on the debate format and “gum up the works” by idiotic questions. The barbershop pundits decided that Palin should declare “bring it on” and “let her rip” as she takes out her skinning knife and pounds it into the podium. Biden would then begin to “laugh out of the other side of his mouth” as he tried to calm the cheering male crowd who knows that “if worst comes to worst,” Palin “would have the upper hand” in the fight.

Of course, the Feminist Movement is “hard as nails” and will soon “go to hell in a hand basket” if Palin becomes VP, which would make things “as funny as a crutch” and as “serious as a heart attack” to their “fools paradise” of world domination and control by peaceful means. It would be the final “nail in the coffin” of the flawed concept of “last man out “ideology they’ve been trying to “feather their nest with.”

The “matter of life and death” knife-in-the-podium concept “has legs,” since the years have been “few and far between” since such debating techniques occurred…duels were the “fair and square” way of “meeting one’s Waterloo” and settling divisive issues between contestants, like “public hanging” was with its propensity to attract crowds. I am not saying that barbershop discussions are the “be all, end all,” but it does “pack a wallop” and require contestants to “put up your dukes”

Of course, I don’t want to “rub salt in the wound” of Biden, a diminutive man of mind and stature, but he should be made to “put up or shut up” to the challenge. It would certainly “bring down the curtain” if he did and “pass the buck” to others to “fill the bill.” Or is that “fill the Bill,” a payback to the Clintons for their “grace and charm” in it all.

Enough of this inane slang and idiomatic idioms by an idiot. But at least I am “open and aboveboard” about things, and having “one foot in the grave” helps. And I’m not interested in “buying another pig in a poke,” nor am I “the pot calling the kettle black” kind of fellow. In conclusion, I have “passed the point of no return,” so I’ll “save face” by ending. Just “put this in your pipe and smoke it,” but don’t inhale!

October 16, 2008

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